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A considerable proportion of physician mothers report perceived discrimination

Most Physician Mothers Report Perceived Discrimination

Overall, 77.9 percent reported discrimination, with 66.3 percent reporting gender discrimination
Medical practices can take steps to avoid problems related to use of social media by staff members

Practices Should Set Rules for Staff Social Media Use

Staff social media accounts should be strictly personal, with no info about patients or employees
Patient portal use has a positive impact on preventive health behaviors

Patient Portal Use Has Positive Impact on Preventive Health Behaviors

Portal users more likely to be younger, white, have commercial insurance, higher annual income
The American Medical Association is encouraging clinicians to share their perspectives on electronic heath records and the meaningful use program.

AMA Wants Doctor Input on EHRs, Meaningful Use

Doctors encouraged to share stories, e-mail Congress members
Most Americans now support aggressive regulation to keep health care costs in check -- including price caps on drugs

Poll: Americans Want Health Care Costs Kept in Check

Suggestions include price controls on drugs, hospitals, and doctors

U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Challenge to Affordable Care Act

Ruling did not address whether the Obama-era law can continue without a provision that requires Americans obtain insurance or pay a penalty

Choosing preferred activities for a work break and taking a break earlier in the shift are linked to more resource recovery after a break

Mid-Morning May Be Best Time for Workday Break

Longer breaks, frequent short breaks linked to more resource recovery than infrequent short breaks
Donor rim cultures are more likely to have detectable Candida growth in endothelial keratoplasty-processed eyes than for other uses

Eyebank Corneal Tissue Prep May Increase Infection Risk

Candida growth in donor rim cultures more common in endothelial keratoplasty-processed eyes
A member of the Cerberus gene family

Unique Platform ID’d for Producing Cone Photoreceptors

Experimental study suggests gene involved in stem cell differentiation into S-cone photoreceptors
For patients undergoing cyclophotocoagulation

IOP Spikes Common After Cyclophotocoagulation

No preoperative, perioperative associations for post-cyclodiode spike within three hours post-op