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Sleep Apnea Increases Risk for Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Events


Findings even true in adults younger than 40 years of age

Calcium, Zinc Intake Tied to Lower Risk for Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy


Intake during the three months before conception associated with odds of HDP

Continual Cuffless BP Monitoring Can Classify Time-in-Target-Range Accurately


Configurations paralleling ambulatory and home BP monitoring inaccurately classified considerable proportion of patients versus reference TTR

Proteomics Panel Not Useful for Predicting Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy


In recent study, no proteins were selected to augment the clinical and demographic covariates using an elastic net model

Echocardiogram Can ID Women With Preeclampsia at Risk for Future HTN


Authors say findings can inform follow-up care for individuals with preeclampsia

Vigorous Physical Activity May Preserve Cognitive Function in High-Risk HTN


High versus low VPA linked to lower risk of MCI, probable dementia, MCI/probable dementia in multivariate model

Nonphysician-Implemented Multifaceted Intervention Beneficial in HTN


Significant reductions seen in total CVD, all-cause mortality for those aged 60 years and older; significant reductions also seen for those younger than 60 years

Longer Sleep Duration, Earlier Sleep Onset Linked to Lower BP in Children


Longer sleep duration linked to better daytime blood pressure parameters among patients referred to pediatric nephrology clinic

2008 to 2021 Saw Increase in Prevalence of Chronic HTN in Pregnancy


During study period, use of antihypertensive medications was relatively stable for those with chronic hypertension

AI-Based Health Coaching Aids Blood Pressure Management


Improvements in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure seen at 12 weeks and even greater at 24 weeks