

Home Pulmonology
Smoking cessation messages that emphasize the impact on children and with outcomes focused on respiratory health

Smoking Cessation Messages Focusing on Child Most Important

Parent smokers highly rank messages with outcomes focused on respiratory, general health, cancer
Symptoms of COVID-19 are a poor marker for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection

Symptoms of COVID-19 Poor Marker for SARS-CoV-2 Infection

Only 13.9 percent of individuals with positive test reported specific symptoms on the day of the test

AAP Updates Recommendations for Safe Infant Sleep Practices

Infants should be placed in supine position, on firm, flat, noninclined surface for every sleep

Fluoroquinolone therapy for contacts of individuals with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis is associated with cost savings and reduced incidence of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis

Fluoroquinolone Preventive Therapy Deemed Beneficial in TB

Health system savings, health benefits with therapy for contacts of patients with multi-drug resistant TB

COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Up for Racial, Ethnic Minority HCWs

Vaccine hesitancy highest among Black and Hispanic or Latino health care workers; concerns include side effects, newness of vaccine

For patients with type 2 diabetes

Sleep Apnea Linked to Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes

OSA independently linked to sight-threatening DR and progression to pre-/proliferative DR
Most community-dwelling older adults with newly identified dementia die or are admitted to a long-term care home within five years

Most Older Adults With New Dementia Die Within Five Years

Increased odds of death seen in association with older age, male sex, and presence of organ failure
Some individuals self-report that electronic cigarettes help them quit smoking conventional cigarettes

E-Cigarettes May Help Some Quit Tobacco Smoking

Interviews show some quitters deliberately switch to e-cigs, while some use both

Biden Announces Measures Aimed at Limiting Health Care Costs

Biden administration is targeting scam insurance, surprise medical bills, and third-party health credit cards

There are large coverage gaps in short-term health plans that were approved Wednesday by the Trump administration

New Short-Term Health Plans Have Large Coverage Gaps

Plans don't have to cover existing medical conditions, provide limited benefits