
Family Practice

Home Family Practice

Remote Program Beneficial for Management of HTN, Cholesterol

Significant reductions seen in blood pressure and LDL-C at six and 12 months for patients enrolled in remote program

Risk, Burden of Diabetes Up After Acute SARS-CoV-2 Infection

Risks and burdens of postacute outcomes increased in graded manner based on COVID-19 severity

Risk of Peripartum Cardiovascular Complications Up With PCOS

Odds of preeclampsia, eclampsia, peripartum cardiomyopathy, heart failure increased for women with PCOS

The latest Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services effort to reduce hospital-acquired conditions (HACs) is the HAC Reduction Program

HAC Reduction Program Penalty Kicks in for FY2015

Concerns relating to program include overlap between two measures used to calculate HAC score
Racial differences in disease expression and adverse clinical outcomes exist between black and white patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Racial Differences Seen With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Outcome differences may be associated with inequities in clinical care, authors suggest
VacĂșnese contra la gripe: podrĂ­a protegerlo de una COVID grave

Chimpanzee Adenovirus COVID-19 Vaccine Promising in Seniors

Immunogenicity similar across age groups; vaccine better tolerated in older versus younger adults

Open-label placebo may reduce fatigue in cancer survivors

Open-Label Placebo May Reduce Fatigue in Cancer Survivors

Reductions seen in fatigue symptom severity and fatigue-related quality of life disruption
A mail-based human papillomavirus self-testing program appears to be a promising approach to screening women in Appalachia

Mail-Based HPV Testing May Increase Access

Findings based on a pilot of underscreened women in Appalachia
For pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes

Falling Insulin Requirement Linked to Placental Dysfunction

FIR ≥15 percent linked to increased risk of composite of clinical markers of placental dysfunction

Black Women Have Increased Rates of Distant-Stage Cervical Cancer

However, White women in South aged 40 to 44 years have highest annual increase in distant-stage cervical cancer at rate of 4.5 percent