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An ultrarestrictive opioid prescription protocol can reduce the number of opioids prescribed to patients after gynecologic and abdominal surgery without negative health consequences

Ultrarestrictive Opioid Rx Protocol Cuts Postoperative Opioid Use

UROPP reduces opioids prescribed after gynecologic, abdominal surgery without negative effects
The risk for in-hospital mortality is increased with lower registered nurse staffing and higher levels of admissions per registered nurse

Lower RN Staffing Linked to Increased In-Hospital Mortality

Higher levels of admissions per registered nurse also tied to increased in-hospital mortality
Nearly two-thirds of insured adults with a previous health care visit did not use an online patient portal in 2017

Most Insured Patients Not Using Online Portals

Socioeconomic disparities exist in use of patient portals; privacy concerns cited for nonuse
Fear of complications and frustration at the amount of time required to manage type 1 diabetes impact the quality of life of young adults with the disease

Fear Impacts Quality of Life for Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes

Young adults cite fear of complications, burden of disease management, impact on family and job
For individuals with heart failure

Meds Taken Do Not Vary With ADL Impairment in Heart Failure

Adults with heart failure with impairment in activities of daily living take as many meds as those without
Secondhand smoke exposure declined substantially among U.S. nonsmokers from 1988 through 2014

Secondhand Smoke Exposure Saw Big Drop From 1988 to 2014

However, among U.S. nonsmokers, rates of secondhand exposure stalled during 2011 to 2014
Pregnant women commonly refuse vaccines

Pregnant Women Commonly Refuse Vaccines

Providers believe stressing fetal protection is most effective strategy against refusal
Intraoperative botulinum toxin injections show promise as a way to reduce the risk for postoperative atrial fibrillation following cardiac surgery

Botox Injections Explored to Cut Postop A-Fib in Cardiac Surgery

Findings of early trials based on epicardial fat pad injections during cardiac surgery
A minimally invasive treatment for retinal detachment leads to favorable outcomes

Minimally Invasive Surgery Works Well for Detached Retina

Benefits include sharper vision, less distortion, and reduced side effects over one-year follow-up
The burden of chronic kidney disease increased in the United States between 2002 and 2016

Chronic Kidney Disease Burden Increasing in the United States

Increases in metabolic and, to a lesser extent, dietary risk factors contribute to higher burden