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There is a strong association between 25-hydroxyvitamin D deficiency (<50 nmol/L) and increased mortality

Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Increased Mortality

Association strongest in younger and middle-aged groups and for diabetes-related deaths
Women with frequent or persistent vasomotor symptoms during the menopause transition have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease events

Vasomotor Symptoms in Women Tied to Higher Risk for CVD Events

Frequent baseline VMS linked to higher risk for later CVD events; more visits also linked to CVD events
In a synopsis of the 2018 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes clinical practice guideline

Guideline Updated for Prevention, Management of Hep C in CKD

32 key recommendations focus on prevention, diagnosis, treatment, management of hepatitis C virus
For patients with colorectal adenomas

High-Intensity Surveillance of Colorectal Adenomas Modeled

Model shows high-intensity surveillance could provide modest, clinically relevant benefits at acceptable cost
Most protected health information breaches compromise sensitive demographic and/or financial information

Protected Health Info Breaches Compromise Sensitive Data

Most hospital data breaches include demographic or financial information that could be used for identity theft
Female physicians remain underrepresented in adult cardiology

Women, Minorities Underrepresented in Cardiology Workforce

Women making gains in pediatric cardiology, but number of minorities remain low in adult, pediatric practice
A Connecticut resident has died from eastern equine encephalitis

Connecticut Sees First Death This Year From Mosquito-Borne EEE

Cases have also been reported in Massachusetts, Michigan, and Rhode Island
Vaping is increasing among adolescents

Rate of Vaping Has Doubled Since 2017 Among U.S. Adolescents

In eighth, 10th, 12th grade, there were increases in students who had ever vaped, daily vaping
Polysomnographic resolution of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and changes in polysomnographic severity of OSA in children account for a small but significant proportion of changes in symptoms and disease-specific quality of life

Polysomnographic Thresholds of Limited Use in Pediatric OSA

Polysomnographic resolution accounted for small proportion of change in symptoms, quality of life
For patients with advanced lung cancer

Timely Palliative Care After Lung Cancer Diagnosis May Up Survival

Palliative care at 31 to 365 days after diagnosis of advanced lung cancer linked to improved survival