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The inflammatory adipokine leptin may have a mediating effect on the relationship between body weight and knee osteoarthritis in older adults

Leptin May Mediate Knee-Related Osteoarthritis

The inflammatory adipokine may account for about half of the effect of BMI on knee osteoarthritis
A planned labor and vaginal birth after cesarean is an appropriate option for most women with a history of prior cesarean birth

AAFP Advocates for Planned Vaginal Birth After Cesarean

Clinicians should counsel, encourage, and facilitate planned vaginal birth after cesarean
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome are at increased risk for a number of serious health problems

Women With PCOS Hospitalized More Often

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome more likely to be hospitalized for variety of reasons
Prostate biopsies that combine magnetic resonance imaging technology with ultrasound appear to give men better information regarding the seriousness of their cancer

MRI-Targeted Prostate Biopsy May Yield Better Results

Spots more aggressive cancer, but fewer low-risk cases
Receiving a blood transfusion during coronary artery bypass grafting surgery may raise a patient's risk of pneumonia

STS: Blood Transfusions in CABG Could Raise Pneumonia Risk

But overall rate under 4 percent
For children in pediatric intensive care units mechanically ventilated for acute respiratory failure

Sedation Protocol Doesn’t Reduce Duration of Ventilation in PICU

No reduction in duration of mechanical ventilation for children with sedation protocol versus usual care
For critically ill patients

Chlorhexidine Bathing Doesn’t Cut Health Care-Linked Infections

No difference in primary outcome for bathing with chlorhexidine versus nonantimicrobial cloth
Higher cumulative use of anticholinergics may increase the risk of dementia

Cumulative Use of Anticholinergic Medication Tied to Dementia

Class of drugs interferes with a key brain chemical, but study doesn't prove cause and effect
People at age 55 who've lived with 11 to 20 years of high cholesterol show double the risk of coronary heart disease compared to people who age with only one to 10 years of high cholesterol

Duration of Hyperlipidemia in 30s/40s Impacts CHD Risk

Researchers compare extended exposure to high cholesterol to "pack years" in smoking
Many women with breast cancer lack basic knowledge about their disease

Many Breast Cancer Patients Lack Knowledge of Their Disease

Problem more pronounced among minority women