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Most patients with electronic cigarette

CDC: Most Patients With Vaping-Related Lung Injury Report THC Use

No single compound or ingredient used in e-cigarette, vaping products has emerged as cause of EVALI
Women with diabetes have lower rates of breast

Cancer Screening Rates Lower Among Women With Diabetes

Rates for breast, cervical, colorectal cancer screening lower compared with women without diabetes
The June 2018 U.S. Food and Drug Administration label restriction on first-line immunotherapy for advanced bladder cancer was associated with a decrease in immunotherapy use and an increase in chemotherapy use

FDA Labeling Restriction Quickly Reflected in Oncology Practice

FDA label change linked to decrease in immunotherapy use, increases in chemotherapy use, PD-L1 testing
A new tool designed to help guide preventive care for heart disease

Facebook Launches Preventive Health Tool

Tool created in partnership with American Cancer Society, American College of Cardiology, AHA, CDC

American College of Chest Physicians, Oct. 19-23

The 85th Annual Meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians The annual meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians was held...
Medicaid expansion has significant positive effects on self-reported diabetes management

Medicaid Expansion Has Positive Effect on Diabetes Management

Substantial improvements reported in states that expanded Medicaid with large diabetes populations
Discharge to a skilled nursing facility is associated with fewer avoidable readmissions for preexisting health care-associated infections compared with home discharges

Readmissions Up for Preexisting HAIs With Home Discharge

Risk for readmission for preexisting health care-associated infection lower with discharge to SNF
The combination of anthracyclines and radiotherapy doses to treat childhood cancer is associated with an increased risk for subsequent breast cancer

Childhood Cancer Treatment Increases Risk for Breast Cancer Later

Additive risk seen between combined anthracyclines and radiotherapy doses to the breast
Black and Latinx patients are less likely than white patients to be admitted to cardiology for heart failure care

Racial Inequity Seen for Admission to Cardiology for Heart Failure

Black and Latinx patients have lower rates of admission to cardiology service, as do women, >75s
Anti-inflammatory agents seem to have an antidepressant effect for patients with major depressive disorder

Antidepressant Effect Seen for Anti-Inflammatories in MDD

Review shows reduced depressive symptoms for anti-inflammatory agents compared with placebo in MDD