Home 2017 April

Monthly Archives: April 2017

There is variation in influenza vaccination coverage by industry and occupation

Variation in Occupational Influenza Vaccination Coverage

Wide variation by state in vaccination coverage among tier 1 and health care personnel groups
Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity is an independent predictor of bone strength at the tibia and radius in adolescents

Physical Activity Independently Predicts Bone Strength in Teens

Sedentary time negatively predicts total area at tibia and radius, cortical porosity at tibia
Loss of E-cadherin protein expression in the pretherapeutic biopsy of rectal cancer is associated with fewer metastases and improved survival

Protein Expression Predicts Rectal Cancer Outcomes

Best prognostic value from E-cadherin expression + resection growth pattern
Patients with eczema have a high prevalence of alcohol use disorders

High Prevalence of Alcohol Use Disorders in Eczema

Significantly increased odds ratios for alcohol use disorder in eczema after adjustment for age, gender

Mylan Issues Voluntary Recall of Some EpiPen Auto-Injectors

Rare cases of 'failure to activate' spurred the action, company says
Women with advanced

AACR: Atezolizumab Aids Some With Triple-Negative Breast CA

A minority of women with triple-negative tumors responded to atezolizumab, but they responded well
Exposure to fire is associated with activation of platelets

Firefighters Exhibit Increased Cardiovascular Impairment

Increased thrombus formation, increased platelet-monocyte binding with exposure to fire simulation
Regular aspirin use is associated with reduced mortality

AACR: Regular Aspirin Use Linked to Lower Cancer Mortality

Regular aspirin use linked to lower risk of dying from cancer, especially colorectal, breast, prostate cancer
Use of health literacy tools is encouraged for facilitating shared decision making

Use of Health Literacy Tools Can Promote Shared Decision Making

Use of universal health literacy precautions toolkit ensures patients can make well-considered decisions
Women have lower median Psoriasis Area and Severity Index scores than men

Lower Psoriasis Area, Severity Scores for Women Versus Men

No differences in medication use before enrollment could explain these gender differences