Home Allergy Variation in Occupational Influenza Vaccination Coverage

Variation in Occupational Influenza Vaccination Coverage

Wide variation by state in vaccination coverage among tier 1 and health care personnel groups

TUESDAY, April 4, 2017 (HealthDay News) — There is variation in influenza vaccination coverage by industry and occupation, including among health care personnel and other occupational groups who may have first priority to receive influenza vaccination during a pandemic (tier 1), according to a study published in the April 1 issue of the American Journal of Infection Control.

Alissa C. O’Halloran, M.S.P.H., from Leidos Inc. in Atlanta, and colleagues analyzed data from 21 states using the 2013 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System industry-occupation module. Influenza vaccination coverage was reported by industry and occupation groups, including health care personnel and other tier 1 groups.

The researchers found that there was variation in influenza vaccination coverage by industry and occupation, with high coverage in the health care industries and occupations. Influenza vaccination was received by approximately half of people classified as tier 1. Wide variation was seen by state in vaccination coverage among tier 1 and health care personnel groups.

“This report points to the particular industries and occupations where improvement in influenza vaccination coverage is needed,” the authors write. “Prior to a pandemic event, more specificity on occupational codes to define exact industries and occupations in each tier group would be beneficial in implementing pandemic influenza vaccination programs and monitoring the success of these programs.”

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