Home Tags Sleep Problems: Misc.

Tag: Sleep Problems: Misc.

Partial sleep deprivation following a night-call shift affects anesthesiologists' total mood status and their cognitive skills

Lack of Sleep Affects Mood, Cognition in Anesthesiologists

Findings suggest sleep deprivation impacts patient safety and quality of care in peds anesthesia
Melatonin might improve sleep patterns for children with atopic dermatitis

Melatonin May Improve Sleep in Children With Atopic Dermatitis

Children taking melatonin fell asleep about 21 minutes sooner than those taking placebo
Infant deaths linked to crib bumpers have spiked in recent years in the United States

Crib Bumpers Tied to Increasing Number of Infant Fatalities

Researchers strongly suggest banning the crib accessories
Social jetlag due to a habitual discrepancy between endogenous circadian rhythm and actual sleep times

Social Jetlag Tied to Prediabetes, Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Misalignment of sleep timing associated with metabolic risk factors, even after adjustment
Lack of sleep may be a gateway to chronic kidney disease

ASN: Insufficient Sleep Might Increase Risk of Kidney Disease

Five hours or less a night linked to reduced organ function in women
Women who experience a big increase in hours of sleep each night may face an increased risk of type 2 diabetes

Sleep Patterns May Affect a Woman’s Diabetes Risk

Researchers say adding two or more hours of sleep each night might be a warning sign
For staff nurses

Yoga Intervention Ups Sleep Quality for Staff Nurses

Better sleep quality, lower work stress for nurses in yoga group versus non-yoga group
Nocturnal hypoglycemia is associated with reduced awakening response

Nocturnal Hypoglycemia Linked to Reduced Awakening Response

Rate of awakenings significantly lower during hypoglycemic versus normoglycemic night
Seniors and men sleep more soundly if they have access to natural surroundings

Sleep Quality Improved in Seniors With Access to Natural Spaces

Seniors, men reported better rest when they had access to beaches, parks
Overweight and obese adolescents have persistently higher homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance

Sleep Affects HOMA-IR in Overweight, Obese Teens

Significant contributors include BMI z-score, age, pubertal stage, total sleep time, sleep efficiency