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Tag: Kids: Misc.

Multiple layers of protection are recommended to prevent drowning

Multiple Layers of Protection Recommended to Prevent Drowning

Pediatricians should be aware of leading causes of drowning, should tailor prevention guidance
The number of children younger than age 6 years treated at U.S. emergency departments for medicine poisonings has declined in recent years

Young Child Goes to ED for Medicine Poisoning Every 10 Minutes

Safe medicine storage in the home needs to begin well before infants are on the move
High-dose vitamin D supplementation in pregnancy is not associated with a child's risk for asthma at age 6 years

Prenatal High-Dose Vitamin D Not Linked to Asthma at Age 6

No significant difference seen in asthma diagnoses for children in high-dose vitamin D, placebo groups

Average of 283,000 Children Have Sports-Related TBIs/Year

From 2010 to 2016, average of 283,000 children sought care in EDs for SRR-TBIs
One in three children between the ages of 10 and 18 years said they had back pain in the past year

AAOS: One-Third of U.S. Children Report Back Pain

Children who reported back pain weighed more on average, had higher body mass index
More than one in five infants with a bronchiolitis hospital admission will have a subsequent respiratory-related hospital admission by age 5 years

Bronchiolitis Hospitalization in Infancy Predicts More Admissions

Higher risk seen for future admissions by age 5; link strongest for asthma, wheezing admissions
Parents who both smoke cigarettes and electronic cigarettes are less likely to have smoke-free car and vape-free car or home policies compared with cigarette users

Parent Perception of E-Cig Safety Varies With Smoking Habits

Most who smoke cigarettes and e-cigs have smoke-free home policies; fewer have vape-free policies
An algorithm that can classify patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis into seven distinct groups based on patterns of swollen or painful joints in the body can help predict disease course

Patterns of Joint Behavior Useful for Juvenile Arthritis Classification

Machine learning algorithm finds nonlocalized joint involvement increases risk for poor outcomes
Urban children with asthma

Children With Poorly Controlled Asthma Suffer Academically

Latino and black children have poorer academic outcomes than non-Latino whites
Treatment with dasotraline (4 mg/day) significantly improves attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms in children aged 6 to 12 years

Dasotraline Promising for the Treatment of ADHD in Children

Once-daily dosing tolerable, may lessen side effects