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Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: Misc.

Calcium supplements

Review: No Clear Link for Calcium Supplements, CVD

Other physicians urge caution, however, and say these findings aren't conclusive
Tranexamic acid is associated with a lower risk of bleeding than placebo for patients undergoing coronary artery surgery without increased risk of death or thrombotic complications

ASA: Tranexamic Acid Doesn’t Up Death, Thrombotic Complications

Lower bleeding risk in patients undergoing coronary artery surgery at risk of peri-op complications
In patients with stable chronic ischemic heart disease and histories of nonsevere hypersensitivity reactions to acetylsalicylic acid/nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Guidance for Coronary Patients With ASA/NSAID Sensitivity

Challenge, desensitization recommended in stable patients with reaction history
For patients undergoing left main coronary artery percutaneous coronary intervention

Operator Experience Impacts Prognosis for Left Main PCI

Short-, long-term prognosis up for more experienced operators in left main coronary artery PCI
Vegetarians appear to have no significantly lower risk of cardiovascular disease over 10 years compared to those who eat meat

ACG: Vegetarian Diets May Not Be Significantly Heart Healthier

Study finds no significant difference in 10-year cardiovascular risk
Statins can interact with other drugs prescribed for cardiovascular disease

AHA Urges Awareness of Statin Interaction With Other CV Meds

Lovastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin should not be used with gemfibrozil
Data mining coupled with laboratory experiments can identify QT interval-prolonging drug-drug interactions

Data Mining, Experiments ID QT Prolonging Drug Interactions

Patients taking ceftriaxone and lansoprazole have significantly longer QTc intervals
For patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

PCI for Concurrent Chronic Total Occlusions Safe in STEMI

No benefit in LVEF, LVEDV for patients undergoing PCI for concurrent CTO in non-infarct-related artery
A computerized order entry tool can increase the use of nonimaging cardiac stress tests among hospitalized patients

Computerized Ordering Tool Cuts Imaging Cardiac Stress Tests

No reduction in use of inappropriate testing after introduction of computerized order entry tool
Low diastolic blood pressure seems to be associated with subclinical myocardial damage

Low Diastolic Pressure Linked to Subclinical Myocardial Damage

High-sensitivity cardiac troponin-T more likely among those with DBP below 60 or 60 to 69 mm Hg