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Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: Misc.

Acute myocardial infarction occurred in one of every 12

2002 to 2014 Saw Hike in AMI Rate in Pregnancy, Puerperium

Rate of acute myocardial infarction one per 12,400 for those hospitalized during pregnancy, puerperium
For patients younger than 60 years who have had a cryptogenic ischemic stroke thought to be secondary to patent foramen ovale (PFO)

PFO Closure Plus Antiplatelet Tx Advised for Cryptogenic Stroke

PFO closure plus antiplatelets recommended over antiplatelet therapy alone for patients <60 years
In a report published online July 23 in BMJ Case Reports

Steroid Abuse Put 60-Year-Old Bodybuilder in the Hospital

Patient was eventually diagnosed with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy
For patients with depression following recent acute coronary syndrome

Escitalopram Cuts MACE Risk in Depressed Patients With ACS

Higher risk of major adverse cardiac events with concurrent depression after acute coronary syndrome

Molecular Autopsy May Shed Light on Sudden Death in Young

Ultrarare, nonsynonymous variants seen in 64% of victims of sudden unexplained death in young
World Trade Center-related post-traumatic stress disorder is a risk factor for myocardial infarction and stroke among workers involved in cleaning up the debris

WTC-Related PTSD May Up Risk for Stroke, MI in Clean-Up Crew

Similar magnitude of risk in men and women, independent of depression
Stroke rates are lower at 30 days and five years after percutaneous coronary intervention than after coronary artery bypass grafting

Five-Year Stroke Rates Lower After PCI Versus CABG

Reduced risk of stroke in the 30-day post-procedural period, but similar risk from 31 days to five years
Successful resuscitation teams share common

Factors Identified That Affect Resuscitation Teams’ Success

Team design, roles, communication, training all affect in-hospital cardiac arrest outcomes
Multivitamin/mineral supplementation seems not to be associated with cardiovascular disease outcomes

Taking Multivitamins/Minerals Doesn’t Improve CVD Outcomes

MVM use not linked to decreased CVD mortality, CHD mortality, stroke mortality, or stroke incidence
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force concludes that there is currently insufficient evidence to assess the benefits and harms of adding nontraditional risk factors to traditional cardiovascular disease risk assessment in asymptomatic adults. These findings form the basis for a final recommendation statement published online July 10 in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

USPSTF: Evidence Lacking for Nontraditional CVD Risk Factors

Insufficient evidence for adding to traditional CVD risk assessment in asymptomatic adults