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Tag: Dental Problems: Misc.

Past-Year Dental Visits More Frequent in Urban Versus Rural Areas

Women more likely than men, and those with higher income more likely to have dental visit within past 12 months

USPSTF Advises Applying Fluoride Dental Varnish for Young Children

Fluoride supplementation recommended for children 6 months and older if water supply does not contain enough fluoride

Oral Microbiome Differs With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Those with early RA or at risk for RA show higher abundance of proinflammatory species

Risk for Overdose Up With Opioid Prescriptions After Dental Procedure

Study finds increased risk for overdose among patients who fill an opioid prescription and their family members

Periodontal Pathogens Linked to Atherosclerosis in RA

Immunoreactivity to Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans serotype b, Aa leukotoxin A linked to atherosclerosis

Opioids prescribed by dentists may pose a threat for interactions with medications for depression or anxiety in older adults

Dentists’ Rx for Opioids Pose Danger for Drug Interactions

In older adults, interactions with meds for depression, anxiety increase risk for ED visits, hospitalizations
Certain people are at higher risk for health problems from mercury-containing amalgam dental fillings and should avoid them if possible

FDA: Mercury Risk Means Certain People Should Not Get Amalgam Dental Fillings

Recommendation was issued after a review of research, monitoring reports, and public discussions
Adults with severe chronic disease or with fair or poor general health have a higher prevalence of edentulism and severe tooth loss

Tooth Loss More Prevalent in Adults With Chronic Disease

Prevalence of edentulism, severe tooth loss ≥50 percent higher for adults with RA, asthma, diabetes
Improved oral hygiene is associated with a reduced risk for new-onset diabetes in a population-based cohort from South Korea

Improved Oral Hygiene Tied to Lower Risk for Incident Diabetes

Periodontal disease, missing teeth linked to increased risk, while frequent tooth brushing may lower risk
Antibiotics and opioids are frequently prescribed during emergency department visits for dental conditions

Antibiotic, Opioid Rx Common With ED Visits for Dental Conditions

Authors say there is an opportunity to further combat opioid abuse, antibiotic overprescribing