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AHA: Self-Monitoring, Remote Physician-Guided Titration Aids Postpartum BP Control

Findings seen following a hypertensive pregnancy versus usual care

Taking Standing Blood Pressure Measure Aids Hypertension Diagnosis

Standing BP performs better alone or in combo with seated BP than seated BP alone

AHA: Sodium Reduction in Diet Lowers Blood Pressure in Seniors

Decline in BP from high- to low-sodium diet was independent of hypertension status; generally consistent across subgroups

High Remote Patient Monitoring Practices Offer Improved Hypertension Care

Increase seen in hypertension medication fills, days' supply, and unique medications received, but increase in HTN-linked spending also seen

Pharmacist-Led Rx Intervention to Manage Hypertension Saves Lives, Money

Over 30 years, model predicted $1.137 trillion in cost savings and 30.2 million life years saved

Few Adults Talk to Providers About BP Risks of OTC Pain Relievers

Findings show fewer than half of patients with high blood pressure have had these conversations

High BP Visit-to-Visit Variability Linked to Dementia Risk in Late Life

Higher blood pressure variability not associated with higher lifetime dementia risk at age 60, 70, or 80 years

Healthy Diet in Midlife Reduces Risk for Later Cognitive Impairment

Findings seen for adherence to the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet

Walking Intervention Can Lower BP in Sedentary Older Adults

Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure may improve among older adults taking additional 3,000 steps/day

USPSTF Recommends Screening for Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

Screening with blood pressure measurements has substantial net benefits and is recommended throughout pregnancy