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Since the implementation of coverage expansions associated with the Affordable Care Act

Racial/Ethnic Insurance Coverage Disparity Down Since ACA

From 2013 to 2017, drop seen in unadjusted, adjusted black-white gap, Hispanic-white gap in uninsurance
Physicians are twice as likely to get the right diagnosis on the first try as 23 popular symptom-checking computer programs

Doctors Better Diagnosticians Than Symptom-Checker Programs

Popular symptom checkers were half as accurate in comparison study
From 2000 to 2010

Total Knee Replacement Procedures Up From 2000 to 2010

Considerable increase for men, women aged 45 years and older; higher rates for women in 2000, 2010
Fifty-three medical professionals

Sixty People Charged in Massive Opioid Painkiller Investigation

Individuals linked to about 350,000 prescriptions and 32 million pills
The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has proposed a rule in relation to new reforms intended to stabilize individual and small group health insurance markets for 2018.

CMS Rule Set to Stabilize Small Health Insurance Markets

Rule includes special enrollment period pre-enrollment verification, flexibility in level of cover
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis and venous thromboembolism have increased risk of cancer in the first year after VTE and during a longer follow-up period

Cancer Risk Up for RA Patients With Venous Thromboembolism

Risk of cancer increased during the first year after VTE and in longer follow-up period
Roughly one in every five American health care workers do not receive the annual influenza vaccination

CDC: Too Many Health Care Workers Not Getting Flu Vaccine

Vaccination protects both workers and patients
For patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

Low Self-Esteem Linked to Anxiety/Depression in SLE

Higher anxiety, depression scores for patients with low self-esteem scores from South California, Manila

DMARD Prescribing Low for Older Adults With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Any DMARD use recorded at 56 percent of rheumatologist visits and 30 percent of primary care provider visits

Funding and division/department support are ranked as critical factors in enabling rheumatologists to develop a career in academic research

Funding, Mentors Critical for Academic Rheumatology Careers

Protected time away from clinical, administrative duties also important for research career