

Home Rheumatology

Gene Variant Tied to Risk for Interstitial Lung Disease in RA

For patients with rheumatoid arthritis, lifetime risks for ILD were 16.8 percent for MUC5B carriers, 6.1 percent for noncarriers

Breaches of recommended infection prevention practices have been identified in an outbreak of septic arthritis cases after intra-articular injections performed in a private outpatient facility

Safety Practice Violations ID’d in Septic Arthritis Outbreak

Multiple breaches included inadequate hygiene, unsafe injection practices, poor cleaning, disinfection
Posttraumatic stress disorder symptomatology is associated with the risk of rheumatoid arthritis in women

PTSD Symptomatology Linked to Increased Risk of RA

In prospective cohort study of women, elevated risk for rheumatoid arthritis is independent of smoking
Virtual assistant programs like Google Assistant

Virtual Assistants Not HIPAA Compliant

Lawyer recommends physicians should not bring Siri and Alexa to the office
Patients with ankylosing spondylitis have lower serotonin levels than healthy controls and patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Serotonin Levels Low in Ankylosing Spondylitis

Further decrease in patients receiving TNFα blockers; serum levels impact osteoblast-like Saos-2 cells
Many health care professionals work when they are sick

Despite Risk to Patients, Health Providers Often Work While Sick

Main reason is not wanting to let colleagues, patients down
In Taking Action Against Clinician Burnout

Recommendations Developed to Address Clinician Burnout

Six goals include creation of positive work and learning environments that prevent, reduce burnout
In an Ideas and Opinions article published online Aug. 11 in the Annals of Internal Medicine

Guidance Helps Doctors Optimize Telemedicine for Seniors

Physicians should be mindful of cues that patient may not hear or understand and repeat or rephrase