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Intravenous acetaminophen with or without ketorolac is associated with reduced opioid consumption and cost of care after scoliosis surgery in adolescents

Opioids Plus Acetaminophen, Ketorolac Cost-Effective Post-Sx

In children having scoliosis surgery, combo is linked to reduced opioid intake compared with opioids alone
After induction short-term intensive insulin therapy (IIT)

Metformin After Induction Tx May Preserve Beta-Cell Function

Also associated with better glycemic control than repeat intensive insulin therapy after induction IIT
Use of antihypertensive treatments during delivery hospitalizations in women with preeclampsia has increased since 2006

Rise in Use of Antihypertensives in Delivery With Preeclampsia

Treatment trend associated with decreased risk of maternal stroke over same time period
Pimavanserin is efficacious at six weeks for patients with Alzheimer's disease psychosis but not at 12 weeks

Pimavanzserin Cuts Alzheimer’s Psychosis at Six Weeks

Significantly greater reduction in NPI-NH psychosis score at 6 weeks versus placebo, but not at 12 weeks
Induced pluripotent stem cell vaccines prevent tumor growth in syngeneic murine cancer models in a prophylactic setting

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Vaccine Promising for Cancer

iPSC vaccine prevented tumor growth in syngeneic murine breast CA, mesothelioma, melanoma models
Nusinersen is associated with significant and clinically meaningful improvement in motor function among children with later-onset spinal muscular atrophy

Nusinersen Beneficial in Later-Onset Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Significant improvement in motor function compared with sham procedure among children with SMA
Erleada (apalutamide) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat non-metastatic

FDA Approves Erleada to Treat Non-Metastatic Prostate Cancer

First FDA-approved treatment for non-metastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancer
The therapeutic significance of losartan in Marfan syndrome may lie in its ability to activate protective endothelial function

Losartan May Improve Endothelial Function in Marfan Syndrome

Therapeutic importance may be increased in endothelial nitric oxide release, not ATR1 inhibition
Four best practices outlined that can help prevent health care cyberattacks

Four Best Practices Outlined to Prevent Health Care Cyberattacks

Health care execs should ID potential inefficiencies in cybersecurity, ensure systems backed up

Omalizumab Effective for Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria

In small study, 85 percent of refractory CSU patients had complete response; rest had well-controlled dx