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People who use combination nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) are more likely to successfully quit smoking than people who use a single form of NRT

Combo Nicotine Replacement Tx Ups Success in Quitting Smoking

Higher doses of nicotine gum and patches also may increase quit rate
Implementing a care path for newborns with fetal opioid exposure that emphasizes nonpharmacologic interventions can reduce hospital stay and pharmacologic treatment

Nonpharmacologic Tx Enhances Care of Opioid-Exposed Newborns

Reduction seen in length of hospital stay and in use of medication to treat neonatal abstinence
Child and parent confidence are poor proxies for proper inhaler use among African-American children with asthma

Confidence in Inhaler Technique Poor Proxy for Correct Use

Findings seen among children and parents of African-American children with asthma
Patients with type 2 diabetes who receive intensive treatment to keep their blood pressure levels at 130/80 mm Hg or below experience fewer heart attacks

Intensive Blood Pressure Therapy Aids Patients With T2DM

Overall death from any cause reduced, regardless of cardiovascular risk
Some caregivers of children have influenza vaccine hesitancy and hold inaccurate beliefs about influenza vaccination and disease

12 Percent of Caregivers Have Pediatric Flu Vaccine Hesitancy

Most hold inaccurate beliefs about flu, flu shots, including believing child will be protected with one shot
The addition of liraglutide to metformin is effective and safe for children and adolescents with type 2 diabetes

Liraglutide Added to Metformin Effective for Type 2 Diabetes

Trial shows superiority of liraglutide with respect to glycemic control in children, adolescents
The risk for adverse drug reactions may be higher for women

Gender Differences Seen in Adverse Drug Reactions

Differences found in reaction symptoms and types of drugs tied to adverse reactions
In patients with type 1 diabetes

Dapagliflozin Improves Glucose Outcomes in Type 1 Diabetes

Benefits observed without increase in time spent in hypoglycemic range
Psychostimulant use plays a substantial role in fatal strokes among young adults

Psychostimulant Use Pervasive in Young Adults’ Fatal Strokes

In cases of hemorrhagic stroke among young adults, psychostimulant use should be considered
For women in middle and late adulthood

Longer Duration of Antibiotic Use Tied to Risk for CVD in Women

Risk for cardiovascular disease increased for women in middle, late adulthood with longer antibiotic use