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Different angiotensin receptor blockers have distinct potencies for suppressing adrenal β-arrestin1-dependent post-myocardial infarction hyperaldosteronism

Some Angiotensin Receptor Blockers More Potent Than Others

Candesartan and valsartan most efficacious post-MI hyperaldosteronism suppressors
Certain nonpharmacologic treatments are effective in pediatric abdominal pain-related functional gastrointestinal disorders

Review: Some Nonpharmacologic Tx Effective in Peds GI Disorders

Improvements with hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, probiotics in AP-FGIDs
Resting-state functional brain connectivity magnetic resonance imaging can predict response to psychotherapy in major depressive disorder

Resting-State Connectivity Predicts Psychotherapy Response

Pretreatment connectivity can predict response to psychotherapy in major depressive disorder
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has expanded the approved use for Lucentis (ranibizumab injection) 0.3 mg to treat diabetic retinopathy in patients with diabetic macular edema.

FDA Expands Approval of Lucentis for Diabetic Retinopathy

To treat diabetic retinopathy in patients with diabetic macular edema
For medical students

Confidence Not Accurate Measure of Prescribing Competence

Fourth-year medical students show lack of insight into their own prescribing strengths and weaknesses
The contraceptive implant and the 52-mg hormonal intrauterine device seem to be effective beyond the U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved duration

Implant, Hormonal IUD Effective Beyond FDA-Approved Duration

Etonogestrel implant, levonorgestrel IUD effective beyond three and five years, respectively
For patients with suspected stroke

Prehospital Magnesium Sulfate Doesn’t Benefit Stroke Outcomes

No improvement in disability outcomes at 90 days with prehospital magnesium sulfate therapy
Researchers say giving birth control information to women visiting dermatology clinics can help promote the safe use of isotretinoin. The study was published online Feb. 4 in JAMA Dermatology.

Contraception Info Given With Isotretinoin Rx Ups Safe Use

Effective birth control key in using the medication
The tragic shooting of surgeon Michael Davidson can be used as an opportunity to find meaning in tragedy

Perspective on Dr. Davidson: ‘Be Like Mike’

Michael Davidson took on highest risk patients, sought to extend lives in cases deemed 'hopeless'
Only about one in two U.S. nursing home workers receive an annual flu vaccination

Flu Vaccination Rates for Nursing Home Staff Too Low

Many nursing home workers have mistaken beliefs about the flu and vaccination