Home Diabetes and Endocrinology Group Medicine Appointments Effective for Glycemic Control

Group Medicine Appointments Effective for Glycemic Control

Greater proportion of patients with T2DM reach target HbA1c levels; faster rate of HbA1c decline

WEDNESDAY, Nov. 18, 2015 (HealthDay News) — Medical management delivered via group medical appointments (GMAs) appears to be effective for glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes, according to research published in the November issue of Diabetes Spectrum.

Cora A. Caballero, N.P., from Loma Linda Healthcare System in California, and colleagues conducted an electronic chart review comparing GMA care for 52 male patients with usual primary care for 52 male patients, all with type 2 diabetes. Demographic and health-related variables were analyzed.

The researchers found that the target hemoglobin A1c goals were reached by a greater proportion of GMA patients than usual primary care patients (50 versus 19.2 percent; P = 0.001). The rate of decline of hemoglobin A1c over time was significantly faster for GMA participants versus usual primary care participants (P < 0.001).

“This study demonstrated that the concept of medical management delivered in a group approach had a positive effect on glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes,” the authors write. “GMAs were found to be an effective approach to achieving patient-centered goals for improving the glycemic control of patients with type 2 diabetes.”

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