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Tag: Tick-borne Illness

Parents are more concerned about diseases from tick bites than from mosquito bites

Poll: Parents Most Concerned About Diseases From Tick Bites

Poll finds parents may be uncertain as to what type of bug repellent is best

In 2018, 2,813 Cases of Domestic Arbovirus Reported in U.S.

94 percent of cases caused by West Nile Virus; 63 percent of these classified as neuroinvasive disease
Only 1.0 percent of reported cases of spotted fever rickettsioses meet the confirmed case definition

Reported Cases of Spotted Fever Rickettsioses Rarely Confirmed

Elevated IgG antibody titer was most common supportive lab evidence for probable cases
The number of Americans with tickborne diseases reached a record high of nearly 60

CDC: Record Number of Tickborne Disease Cases in U.S. Last Year

Most of those cases were Lyme disease
Health care providers need to be equipped to recognize

AHA: Update on Diagnosis, Tx for Chagas Cardiomyopathy

Prevalence has increased in U.S.; statement aims to increase recognition, improve care
Though the incidence of tickborne infections in the United States has risen significantly within the past decade

Gaps in Prevention, Management of Tickborne Diseases Identified

Diagnostic and surveillance limitations and lack of treatment options, vaccines hamper efforts
The first new tick species to appear in the United States in 50 years is spreading rapidly in the east and has been confirmed in seven states and the suburbs of New York City.

New Tick Species Spreading in the United States

Asian longhorned tick currently considered a greater threat to livestock than to humans
Ticks capable of transmitting Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses have been identified in dozens of places across the United States where the pests had never previously been recorded

Lyme-Bearing Ticks More Widespread in U.S. Than Thought

Disease-carrying ticks were detected in 83 counties where they'd never been found before
Red meat allergy caused by a bite from the lone star tick appears to be on the rise in the United States

Tick-Caused Meat Allergy on the Rise in the United States

Lone star tick is most common in the South, but may be spreading to new areas
Vectorborne diseases represent an increasing problem in the United States

Vectorborne Diseases Up More Than Two-Fold From 2004 to 2016

During 2004 to 2016, 82 percent of all tickborne disease reports were Lyme disease