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Tag: Syphilis

Congenital syphilis cases increased 38 percent between 2012 and 2014

CDC: Sharp Increase in U.S. Babies Born With Syphilis

Of infected babies born in 2014, 15 percent of mothers were never tested for syphilis
Universal third-trimester syphilis rescreening is not cost-effective given the national average seroconversion rate

Universal 3rd-Trimester Syphilis Rescreening Not Cost-Effective

19-fold higher seroconversion incidence for universal rescreening to be cost-effective
Health care providers on the West Coast need to look out for syphilis that can cause blindness

Health Officials Warn of Blinding Cases of Syphilis on West Coast

Doctors and eye-care providers should be alert for symptoms of ocular syphilis
A smartphone accessory that can detect HIV and syphilis has been developed by Columbia University researchers. The findings were published in the Feb. 4 issue of Science Translational Medicine.

Smartphone Accessory Could Help Detect HIV, Syphilis

Low-cost accessory replicates laboratory-based blood test, researchers report