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Tag: Surgery: Misc.

Patients who've recently undergone surgery -- especially those with cancer or autoimmune diseases -- experience slightly higher risks of developing Guillain-Barré syndrome soon afterward

Link Found Between Surgery and Development of Guillain-Barré

History of autoimmune disease or malignancy may predispose some patients
Application of the Lean Six Sigma methodology can reduce the risk of health care-associated infections among patients undergoing surgical procedures

Lean Six Methodology Can Cut Health Care-Linked Infections

Reduction in risk of health care-associated infection among patients undergoing surgical procedures
Use of the Lean Six Sigma methodology is effective for reducing the cesarean section rate

Lean Sigma Six Methodology Can Cut Cesarean Rate

Cesarean rate decreased from 41.83 to 32.00 percent 10 months after improvement measures
Many males undergoing anterior urethroplasty experience improvement in urgency and urge incontinence

Urgency, Incontinence Improve After Anterior Urethroplasty

Preoperative prevalences of 58 and 31 percent, respectively, decrease significantly postoperatively
For patients with acute appendicitis

Single-Incision Laparoscopic Appendectomy Preferable

Shorter hospital duration, return to activity versus three-incision laparoscopic appendectomy
Patients with thyroid carcinoma undergoing thyroid surgery often have shoulder-related complaints

Shoulder-Related Issues Common After Thyroid Cancer Surgery

Patients with thyroid carcinoma have worse scores on disability, quality of life measures
An adapted clinical practice guideline

Guideline Adapted for Surgical Antimicrobial Prophylaxis

ADAPTE methodology was used to produce an adapted clinical practice guideline for SAP
Children exposed to surgical anesthesia before the age of 4 may have slightly lower school grades and IQ scores in their late teen years

School Grades May Be Affected by Anesthesia Before Age 4

But 'low overall difference in academic performance' is reassuring, researchers say
For patients with endometrial cancer

Robotic Surgery Faster for Laparoscopy in Endometrial CA

Shorter operation time, total time spent in operating room versus traditional laparoscopy group
Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery lobectomy is associated with lower in-hospital mortality and shorter length of hospital stay versus open thoracotomy

In-Hospital Mortality Down With Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Sx

Shorter length of hospital stay, and lower likelihood of any perioperative morbidity with VATS