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Improving sleep may help reduce an individual's sugar-sweetened

Shorter Sleep Linked to Sugar-Sweetened Drink Consumption

Researchers don't know if beverages impair sleep or lack of sleep prompts cravings
Children and teens should consume no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugars a day

Children Shouldn’t Consume More Than 6 Tsp of Added Sugars a Day

New guidelines aim to help improve children's overall diet, health
Health warning labels on sugar-sweetened beverages -- similar to those on cigarette packs -- might make parents less likely to buy such beverages for their children

Sugar Warning Labels Might Help Parents Skip Soda for Children

Survey suggests warnings of tooth decay, obesity, diabetes could reduce sugary drink sales
Regular consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with greater accumulation of visceral adipose tissue

Sugary Drinks Linked to Increase in Visceral Adipose Tissue

Daily consumers accumulated about 27 percent more visceral fat
People have very different glycemic responses to the same food -- with some showing large blood glucose spikes even after eating supposedly healthy choices. Researchers said the findings

Individual Glycemic Responses to Foods Found to Differ Greatly

Researchers say 'one-size-fits-all' diet doesn't exist
Regular consumption of soda or sweetened fruit drinks may increase risk for heart failure in men

Sweetened Drinks Linked to Higher Risk of Heart Failure

Findings for two servings or more daily in men
Cutting most of the sugar from a child's diet can rapidly improve metabolic health

Rapid Health Benefits Seen With Sugar Reduction in Children

Though calories remained same, obese children saw better BP, cholesterol, blood glucose levels
Soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages can seriously damage cardiovascular health

Review: Sweetened Drinks May Affect Cardiovascular Health

Added sugars raise risk of myocardial infarction, cardiovascular disease, and stroke
Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages by children is positively associated with triglyceride concentration

Sugary Beverage Intake Linked to Triglycerides in Children

Reduction in sugar-sweetened beverage intake over 12 months linked to increase in plasma HDL
Artificial sweeteners don't contain the calories or energy that evolution has trained the brain to expect from sweet-tasting foods

Hormone May Be Key to Sugar, Diet Sweetener Response

In experimental model, disruption of Dh44 linked to failure to select nutritive sugars