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Tag: Skin Disorders: Itchiness

Topical cowhage provocation and skin prick testing with histamine can diagnose atopic dermatitis

Cowhage Provocation, Histamine Skin Testing ID Atopic Dermatitis

Longer itch persistence, diminished histamine-induced flare may support diagnosis
Guidelines have been developed for the management of atopic dermatitis. The guidelines were published online April 14 in The Journal of Dermatology.

Guidelines Developed for Management of Atopic Dermatitis

Current treatment strategies include use of drug therapy, skin care, avoiding exacerbating factors
For children with atopic dermatitis

Clinical Scores Correlate Well in Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis

Clinical scores for sleep loss, pruritus correlate well with each other and with disease severity, QoL
The correlation between physical activity and atopic dermatitis is unclear

Review: Link for Physical Activity, Atopic Dermatitis Unclear

Three studies identify positive association; three identify inverse association for exercise, AD
Topical vitamin D may be an effective and well-tolerated treatment for pruritus associated with chronic kidney disease

Topical Vitamin D May Ease CKD-Associated Pruritus

Significant improvement in skin dryness without major side effects
A subgroup of patients with dermatitis who discontinue topical corticosteroids after long-term treatment have clinical rebounding triad manifestations

Clinical Rebounding Triad After Corticosteroid Discontinuation

Duration and frequency of topical corticosteroid use predicts rebounding triad