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For high school students

2005 to 2015 Saw Fewer High School Students Having Sex

Significant drop in proportion of high school students who had ever had sexual intercourse nationwide
Obstetrician-gynecologists can help improve recognition of sex workers and increase their access to preventive care

Ob-Gyns Can Help ID Sex Workers, Improve Access to Care

Sex workers should be counseled about the health risks associated with sex work
Intrarosa (prasterone) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat women who have moderate-to-severe pain during sexual intercourse caused by postmenopausal vulvar and vaginal atrophy.

FDA Approves Intrarosa for Postmenopausal Pain During Sex

Drug contained in a once-daily vaginal insert
Older men treated with testosterone gel experience a moderate but significant improvement in their sex drive

Testosterone Gel Improves Sexual Function in Older Men

Gel hormone treatment led to improved libido, increased sexual activity
Calorie restriction may improve health

Calorie Restriction Improves Mood, Health in Non-Obese

Calorie cutters said their sleep and relationships improved, too
Transgender children who have socially transitioned and are supported to live openly as the gender "opposite" their natal sex do not have elevations in depression

No Increase in Depression for Supported Transgender Children

Transgender children who have socially transitioned have only minimal elevations in anxiety
Teens who use abuse prescription drugs such as opioids are more likely to have sex or to participate in risky sexual behaviors

Abuse of Prescription Drugs Ups Sexual Risks for Teens

Those taking these drugs with no prescription more likely to have multiple partners, forgo condom use
Providing sex reassignment surgery and hormone treatment for transgender men and women is cost-effective

Transgender Transition Treatment Deemed Cost-Effective

Surgical and hormone expenses less than those that treat complications of not transitioning
A new analysis suggests that parents who set rules and keep tabs on their teenagers may have kids who are more cautious about sex. The meta-analysis was published online Nov. 30 in Pediatrics.

Parental Involvement Does Impact Risky Teen Behavior

Teens tend to delay sex if Mom and Dad keep an eye on what they're doing, who they're with
For most patients with an implantable cardiac defibrillator

AHA: Many Patients Worried About Sex Post ICD Implantation

Both patient and partner need better counseling before leaving the hospital, researcher says