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Tag: Sex: Abuse / Rape

Seemingly benign

Essay Adds to Discourse on Impact of Suggestive Jokes

Authors say commonplace suggestive jokes normalize, dismiss sexual misconduct experiences
Girls with early pubertal development may be more vulnerable to abuse from a boyfriend

Early Puberty in Girls May Be Risk Factor for Physical, Sexual Abuse

30 percent of study group said they'd experienced some kind of physical or verbal dating abuse
Pediatricians should be comfortable with treating and screening for sexual assault

AAP Offers Guidance for Treating Victims of Sexual Assault

Physicians need to be comfortable screening for it, offering additional help if needed
Recommendations have been developed for emergency nurses in terms of recognizing and responding to the needs of victims of human trafficking; the position statement was published in the March issue of the Journal of Emergency Nursing.

Nurses Play Crucial Role in Identifying Victims of Trafficking

Emergency Nurses Association offers guidance to help recognize, respond to needs of victims
Physicians can help to identify and assist trafficking victims

AMA Encouraging Physicians to ID, Assist Victims of Trafficking

Physicians should be aware of warning signs such as bruises, cuts, scars; looking fearful or anxious
Almost one out of every five young women were raped or experienced attempted rape during their freshman year at a large private university in upstate New York

Sexual Assault at ‘Epidemic Levels’ Among College Women

Many raped when incapacitated by drugs or alcohol, researchers find
The American Academy of Pediatrics has just released new guidance to help primary care doctors recognize the signs of child abuse. The clinical report was published online April 27 in Pediatrics.

AAP Advises Doctors on How to Identify Child Abuse

New guidance offers suggestions on protecting children, too
Health care providers demonstrate significant knowledge gaps regarding sex trafficking

HCPs Lack Knowledge and Awareness of Sex Trafficking

Most providers don't receive training on how to identify sex trafficking victims, especially child victims
Pediatricians have a role to play in identification and treatment of victims of child sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of children

Essential Role for Pediatricians in Care of Sexual Exploitation Victims

Roles can include working to increase recognition of commercial sexual exploitation of children