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Tag: Seniors

For older adults

Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden Scale IDs Adverse Outcomes

Relative to ARS and DBI-Ach, ACB shows good dose-response link for anticholinergic burden, outcomes
Self-reported function is more informative than frailty phenotype in predicting a negative postoperative course in older adults

Self-Reported Function IDs Post-Op Course in Elderly

LLFDI-FUNCTION predicts postoperative complications better than frailty phenotype
The majority of older patients are aware of medication harms

Few Older Patients Aware of Deprescribing

Although the majority surveyed are aware of medication harms
The apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 allele increases the risk of overall and cardiovascular mortality

APOE Allele Type Tied to Mortality Risk

No racial difference in the association between these alleles and mortality
Medicare recipients are more frequently overtreated than undertreated for diabetes

More Than 1 in 10 Patients May Be Overtreated for Diabetes

Study of Medicare patients shows overtreatment for diabetes is rarely deintensified
Higher levels of echo intensity on ultrasound are associated with lower levels of muscle strength and greater frailty in the elderly

Ultrasound Echo Intensity Is Potential Frailty Biomarker

High levels of echo intensity associated with lower muscle strength in the elderly
Statin use is associated with a significantly lower risk of mortality in older male physicians

Lower Mortality Risk Seen With Statin Use in Older Men

Also tied to a non-significant lower risk of cardiovascular disease events
A geriatrics knowledge test demonstrates sound reliability for use in evaluating geriatrics fellowship programs

New Test Developed to Assess Geriatrics Fellowship Programs

Progressive increases in score tied to additional geriatrics training
A cognitive test involving animal name recall can predict which elderly patients succeed in mastering an insulin self-injection technique within one week

Cognitive Test Predicts Elderly Insulin Injection Success

Number of animal names recalled in one minute was the most useful indicator
Excessive sitting

Sedentary Time a ‘Potent Risk Factor’ for Mobility Loss

And increased TV time significantly associated with mobility disability at all levels of physical activity