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Fasting before a cholesterol test is not necessary when evaluating risk for cardiovascular events

Nonfasting Lipid Levels Adequate for Assessing Cardiovascular Risk

Fasting, nonfasting levels show similar associations with cardiovascular events even for patients on statins
The first test to detect the Zika virus in human blood has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

FDA Approves First Test for Zika in Human Blood

The ZIKV Detect 2.0 IgM Capture ELISA is made by Seattle-based InBios
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has cleared for marketing two tests that detect the presence of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae with diagnostic testing of extragenital specimens.

Extragenital Tests to Detect Chlamydia, Gonorrhea Cleared for Marketing

Tests previously approved for testing urine, vaginal, and endocervical samples
Deep learning models can improve the accuracy of lung cancer screening

AI Model Can Improve Accuracy of Lung Cancer Screening

In some situations, model outperformed radiologists with reductions in false positives, negatives
The vast majority of people at risk for Huntington disease choose not to be tested preemptively

Most At-Risk Opt Out of Genetic Testing for Huntington Disease

Lack of cure, inability to 'undo knowledge' primary reasons for not going through with testing
Current smokers are less likely to receive guideline-concordant screening studies for breast

Cancer Screening Less Likely Among Current Smokers

Findings based on guideline-based screening for breast, prostate, colorectal cancer
Guidelines have been updated for screening and treatment for tuberculosis infection among health care personnel

Recs Updated for TB Screening, Treatment in Health Care Workers

Guidelines include preplacement TB risk assessment, postexposure symptom evaluation and testing
A cervical cancer screening strategy that involves cytologic testing every three years from ages 21 to 29 years and then continuing cytologic testing or switching to low-cost high-risk human papillomavirus testing every five years is reasonable

Some Cervical Cancer Screening Strategies More Cost-Effective

Most lifetime QALYs seen with cytologic testing every three years, repeated for ASC-US
The T2Bacteria Panel can rapidly and accurately diagnose bloodstream infections

T2Bacteria Panel Accurately IDs Bloodstream Infections

Mean time to species identification 3.61 to 7.70 hours, depending on number of samples tested
New recommendations have been developed for breast cancer screening based on a life-years-gained model; the American Society of Breast Surgeons official statement was published online May 3.

New Recommendations Developed for Breast Cancer Screening

Guideline based on individual breast cancer risk profile, with specific screening strategies