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Tag: Salt / Sodium

There is no association between average 24-hour urine sodium levels and conversion from clinically isolated syndrome to clinically definite multiple sclerosis

Sodium Intake Not Linked to Multiple Sclerosis Progression

No correlation for 24-hour urine sodium levels with conversion to clinically definite MS over five years
As food manufacturers gradually cut amounts of salt in their products

Americans Are Getting Less Sodium From Packaged Food

However, the researchers found they still eat more salt than is healthy
Most of the salt that Americans consume comes from processed foods and restaurant meals

Only 10 Percent of Daily Salt Intake Comes From Shaker

Processed foods, restaurant meals account for most sodium intake in average U.S. diet
Low sodium intake is not associated with a reduction in blood pressure in the long term

Evidence Suggests Sodium Guidelines Are Misguided

Dietary sodium intake inversely associated with systolic, diastolic blood pressure in long term
For U.S. persons

Twenty-Five Food Categories Explain 70 Percent of Salt Intake

Most sodium consumed was from food obtained at stores; highest density for foods from restaurants
Lowering salt intake could lead to fewer episodes of nocturia

Nocturia May Be Reduced by Cutting Daily Intake of Salt

An easy way for patients to reduce nighttime urination and subsequent impact on sleep
An Empire State appeals court has upheld the New York City health department rule that requires restaurants to warn customers about menu items that exceed the 2

Appeals Court Upholds Restaurant Salt Warning

Court upholds rule requiring warning about menu items exceeding daily recommended sodium limit
Americans with hypertension are getting more sodium in their diet than they did in 1999

ACC: Sodium Intake Rising Among Patients With HTN

Average sodium intake more than double recommended daily limit for these patients
Higher dietary potassium seems to be associated with reduced blood pressure

Higher Dietary Potassium to Sodium Ratio Can Lower CVD Risk

Research supports public health efforts for increasing consumption of natural potassium rich foods
It is clinically worthwhile for patients with chronic kidney disease to be counseled on reducing salt intake

Dietetic Counseling Proves Worthwhile in Kidney Disease

Blood pressure and fluid retention improve in those counseled by dietitians, small study shows