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Pharmacists should counsel Muslim patients who fast during Ramadan with respect to their medications and adjusting their medication regimen

Pharmacists Should Counsel Patients Fasting for Ramadan

Pharmacists can suggest adjustments for meds taken several times per day, those affected by food intake
Engaging American Muslim women may increase their likelihood of obtaining a mammogram

Engaging Muslim Women May Up Odds of Mammogram

Significant increase in self-reported likelihood of obtaining mammogram following intervention

Strong Religious Beliefs May Be Linked to Higher Weight

Some health behaviors, psychosocial factors mediate religion-weight relationship
Religious experiences appear to trigger the brain's reward system as evidenced by radiological findings

Spiritual Experiences Appear to Affect Neural Reward Circuits

Nucleus accumbens, ventromedial prefrontal cortex, and frontal attentional regions also affected
Women who regularly attend religious services may have a lower risk of suicide than those who don't

Religious Service Attendance May Lower Suicide Risk in Women

Going to services at least once a week appears to reduce the odds five-fold
Women who regularly attend religious services may live longer than women who never attend services

Religious Service Attendance May Affect Mortality Among Women

Regular service attendees were one-third less likely to die over 20-year period
Picture-guided spiritual care is feasible among mechanically ventilated adults and may reduce their anxiety

Picture-Guided Cards Can Help Chaplains Provide Spiritual Care

Intervention may reduce anxiety in mechanically ventilated adults in intensive care
When it comes to dealing with illness

Many Americans Turn to ‘Laying on of Hands’ to Promote Healing

And, nearly nine out of 10 have asked for divine intervention for someone else
Secure attachment to God is associated with affective organizational commitment and job satisfaction

Attachment to God Linked to Improved Worker Contentment

Secure attachment to God correlates with affective organizational commitment, job satisfaction
Any degree of negative spiritual belief is associated with worse health outcomes

Negative Spiritual Belief Linked to Worse Health Outcomes

Link seen for individuals with heterogeneous health conditions, regardless of positive spiritual beliefs