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Tag: Prescription Drugs

For healthy adults and individuals with well-controlled type 2 diabetes

DPP-4 Inhibitor Has Dissociated Effects on β-Cell Function

Single dose of sitagliptin linked to increases in standardized insulin secretion, active GIP, GLP-1
Switching dual antiplatelet therapy from aspirin plus ticagrelor or prasugrel to aspirin plus clopidogrel after acute coronary syndrome provides benefits regardless of initial platelet reactivity

Switching Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Beneficial After ACS

Greatest benefit seen in patients with low on-treatment platelet reactivity
Among patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome

Cisatracurium Ups Some ARDS Outcomes Versus Vecuronium

No difference in mortality or hospital days but fewer ventilator and intensive care unit days
For patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus undergoing non-cardiac surgery

Pre-Op Liraglutide Cuts Post-Op Plasma Glucose in T2DM

Preoperative administration of liraglutide linked to lower post-op glucose, increase in pre-op nausea
A program that integrates clinical pharmacists into established primary care medical home practices helps patients achieve better disease management for high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus

Pharmacist Participation in Medical Homes Aids Outcomes

Findings based on disease management goals for diabetes, blood pressure control
Treatment with hydroquinidine prolongs the QT interval in patients with short QT syndrome and reduces the occurrence of life-threatening arrhythmic events

Hydroquinidine Cuts Serious Arrhythmic Events in SQTS

Patients on HQ had lower rate of life-threatening arrhythmic events, number of LAE per patient
Intrauterine exposure to methylphenidate is associated with a small increase in the risk of cardiac malformations

In Utero Methylphenidate Exposure Tied to Heart Defects

Intrauterine exposure linked to small increase in risk of cardiac malformations based on U.S., Nordic data
Allopurinol prescribing is more likely if patients meet eligibility criteria at diagnosis

Allopurinol Rx More Likely With Eligibility at Diagnosis

More frequent chronic disease reviews needed to assess eligibility for allopurinol
Few patients have conversations with providers about the cost of glaucoma medications

Few Patients, Providers Discuss Costs of Glaucoma Medications

Authors say these discussions are important, as cost is a barrier to treatment adherence
The stair-step clomiphene protocol is associated with decreased time to ovulation for women with polycystic ovary syndrome

Stair-Step Clomiphene Reduces Time to Ovulation in PCOS

Stair-step clomiphene protocol increased ovulation rates at higher doses than traditional protocol