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Tag: Pregnancy

HealthDay Reports: 15 Percent of Pregnant Women With COVID-19 Experience Severe Disease

Preterm Birth May Be Increased for Women With SARS-CoV-2

Perinatal infection infrequent; effect of infection during early pregnancy not known

Aortic dissection during pregnancy or postpartum is rare

Aortic Dissection Is Rare Complication of Pregnancy

Most cases during pregnancy, postpartum period seen in women with aortopathy or family history
Exposure to maternal hypothyroidism during the periconceptual period is associated with an increased risk for childhood attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in offspring

Maternal Hypothyroidism Linked to Risk for ADHD in Offspring

Risk for ADHD increased in children of mothers with hypothyroidism diagnosed prior to, during pregnancy
Women with hyperemesis gravidarum have long-lasting psychological morbidity

Lasting Psychological Morbidity Seen With Hyperemesis Gravidarum

More women with hyperemesis gravidarum have probable depression
In a clinical report from the American Academy of Pediatrics

Guidelines Issued on Managing Infants Exposed to HIV

Counseling should be provided for parents, caregivers of infants exposed to HIV, including for routine care
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is requiring labeling changes to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that warn of the risks of taking these drugs at 20 weeks of pregnancy or later

FDA Requiring Labeling Changes to NSAIDs Warning of Risks in Pregnancy

Labeling must indicate risks to unborn baby with NSAID use at 20 weeks of pregnancy or later
Prenatal cannabis exposure is associated with a greater risk for psychopathology during middle childhood

Prenatal Cannabis Exposure May Raise Risk for Psychopathology

Findings seen in middle childhood, especially for maternal cannabis use after knowledge of pregnancy
COVID-19 symptoms are prolonged in pregnant women and persist for eight or more weeks in 25 percent

COVID-19 Symptoms Often Prolonged in Pregnant Women

Most prevalent first symptoms cough, sore throat, body aches, fever for those testing positive for SARS-CoV-2
Natural fertility is maintained after fertility-sparing surgery for women with borderline ovarian tumors

Women Can Conceive After Surgery for Borderline Ovarian Tumors

Fertility maintained for women undergoing fertility-sparing surgery for borderline tumors
There is considerable state-level variation in the prevalence of eclampsia

Considerable State-Level Variation Found in Prevalence of Eclampsia

Variation between states modest in chronic hypertension, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy