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Tag: Pollution, Air

More than 3 percent of preterm births nationally can be attributed to exposure to particulate matter <2.5 microns in diameter

>3% of Preterm Births Attributed to Exposure to Particulate Matter

Attributable preterm birth costs estimated at $4.33 billion, of which $760 million spent on medical care
Certain measures of air pollution correlate with dry eye disease

Measures of Air Pollution Linked to Dry Eye Disease

Higher ozone levels and lower humidity levels linked to DED, but no correlation seen for PM10
Short-term exposure to air pollutants adversely affects glucose tolerance

Air Pollution Tied to Adverse Effect on Metabolic Parameters

Adverse effects on glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, blood lipids in Mexican-Americans
Acute ozone exposure increases stress hormones and causes alterations in peripheral lipid metabolism in humans

Acute Ozone Exposure Ups Stress Hormone in Humans

Increased stress hormones, alterations in lipid metabolites are similar to changes seen in rodents
Long periods of exposure to air pollution -- including dust and car exhaust -- heightens cardiovascular risks for women with diabetes

Air Pollution Raises CVD Risks in Women With Diabetes

Long-term study showed prolonged exposure linked to cardiovascular disease
Living near busy roads with high levels of air pollution raises lung transplant patients' risk of organ rejection and death

Air Pollution Tied to Poor Outcomes in Lung Transplant

Increased risk of organ rejection, death, but macrolides seem to reduce risk
Outdoor air pollution leads to more than 3 million premature deaths per year

Millions of Premature Deaths Tied to Air Pollution

Reduction in fires related to deforestation may prevent deaths in South America
Wildfires create air pollution that fuels the risk for cardiovascular events

Wildfires Can Trigger Acute Coronary Events for Miles Around

Strongest association seen for men and people 65 and older
Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution may be linked to subtle changes in the brain that could lead to cognitive impairment

Fine Particulate Air Pollution Linked to Changes in Brain

Linked to reduced brain volume and higher odds of covert brain infarcts
Exposure to common air pollutants before birth may make children more likely to have the symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and other thinking and behavioral problems

Prenatal Exposure to Pollutants May Affect Fetal Brain

Small study found higher risk of ADHD symptoms, other thinking and behavioral problems