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Tag: Pesticides

For pregnant women

Maternal Exposure to Organic Pollutants May Cut Fetal Growth

Organochlorine pesticide mixture negatively associated with most fetal growth measures
Environmental exposure to pyrethroid insecticides is associated with an increased risk for all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality

Exposure to Pyrethroid Insecticides Linked to Mortality

Risk increased for all-cause, CVD mortality for highest tertile of urinary 3-phenoxybenzoic acid
Occupational exposure to pesticides is associated with cardiovascular disease incidence in the first 10 years of follow-up

Exposure to Pesticides Tied to Cardiovascular Disease Incidence

Correlation still significant after adjustment for other cardiovascular disease risk factors
In 2016

Exposure to Insecticide Might Explain ‘Sonic Attack’ in Cuba

Examination of 26 Canadian diplomats found traces of cholinesterase-inhibiting insecticides
Even though the pesticide chlorpyrifos has been linked to brain harm in children

EPA Will Not Ban Pesticide Linked to Brain Harm in Children

Agency says data on health concerns about chlorpyrifos 'not sufficiently valid, complete or reliable'
Prenatal exposure to ambient pesticides within 2

Prenatal Pesticide Exposure Linked to Increased Risk for Autism

Increased risk seen for autism spectrum disorder and disorder with comorbid intellectual disability

p, p’-DDT Exposure Linked to Breast Cancer Through Age 54

Risk for breast cancer varies based on timing of first exposure, age at diagnosis
Occupational exposures to pesticides and metals are associated with an increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease among Hispanics/Latinos

Exposure to Metals, Pesticides Tied to CVD in Hispanics/Latinos

Prevalence ratio for any cardiovascular disease was 2.18 for those working with pesticides
The Environmental Protection Agency must remove the pesticide chlorpyrifos from sale in the United States within 60 days

Court Rules That U.S. Must Halt Sales of Pesticide Chlorpyrifos

Pesticide is widely used on citrus fruits, apples, and other crops
Strawberries have the highest level of pesticide contamination in produce

EWG Report: Strawberries Have Most Pesticides

Environmental Working Group says conventionally grown strawberries contain at least 20 pesticides