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Aerobic exercise may help reduce perceived pain interference resulting from diabetic peripheral neuropathy

Exercise Cuts Pain Interference From Diabetic Neuropathy

Aerobic exercise intervention doesn't appear to change pain severity measures
A mindfulness program appears to be beneficial for patients with chronic pain

Mindfulness Program Beneficial for Chronic Pain

Significant effect on primary outcome measure of the Short Form-36 vitality scale
Almost half of colorectal cancer survivors with pain interference (PI) during the initial phase of care have continued PI post-treatment

Half of Colorectal Cancer Survivors Have Continued Pain

Cardiovascular and pulmonary comorbidities tied to continued pain
Botulinum toxin-A appears to be beneficial for painful diabetic neuropathy

Botulinum Toxin-A Beneficial in Painful Diabetic Neuropathy

Meta-analysis of two studies shows clinically significant improvement of 'minimum change in pain'
Acetaminophen does not appear to help ease lower back pain and offers little relief for the most common form of arthritis

Acetaminophen Appears Lacking in Low Back Pain

And only a small, not clinically important benefit in osteoarthritis of hip/knee
Almost a quarter of opioids that are prescribed for chronic pain are misused

Misuse of Prescribed Opioids in One-Quarter

And about 10 percent of patients with prescriptions become addicted
For patients with facet joint arthropathy

AAPM: Platelet-Rich Plasma Offers Short-Term Benefit

Short-term benefit for patients with facet joint arthropathy, which is not sustained after 90 days
Opioid-induced constipation is significant among noncancer pain patients

Opioid-Induced Constipation Significant in Pain Patients

Patients surveyed about laxative use, number of bowel movements
For patients with Parkinson's disease

Lasting Pain Relief With Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s

Improvement in pain lasts during eight-year follow-up; however, new pain can develop during follow-up
An eight-week jyoti meditation program is effective for patients with chronic neck pain

Jyoti Meditation Program Effective for Chronic Neck Pain

Reductions in pain, pain-related bothersomeness with meditation versus exercise control