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Tag: Pain

For patients with chronic pain

Methadone Linked to Initial QTc Prolongation in Chronic Pain

Nonsignificant increase in QTc in first month after initiating methadone, which does not persist
Medical marijuana may be useful in treating chronic pain and spasticity

Moderate-Quality Evidence for Marijuana Rx for Pain, Spasticity

Review of 79 studies indicates only low-quality evidence for other conditions
Pain is prevalent in more than half of patients with multiple sclerosis

Anxiety Independently Predicts Pain in Patients With MS

Research confirms high prevalence of pain, affecting more than half of those with multiple sclerosis
For patients presenting with acute chest pain and low clinical risk evaluated in a chest pain evaluation center

Minimal Yield Seen for Routine Noninvasive Testing for CAD

Low yield among patients presenting with acute chest pain and low clinical risk
Burkholderia cenocepacia is overrepresented in initial stream urine of men with urologic chronic pelvic pain syndrome

B. cenocepacia Overrepresented in Urologic Chronic Pelvic Pain

Species and genus composition differ for men with urologic chronic pelvic pain syndrome, controls
Women with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome have white matter abnormalities

White Matter Abnormalities in Female Interstitial Cystitis

Brain abnormalities linked to symptoms of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome
Many people with migraines

Many Migraine Sufferers Given Ineffective, Addictive Meds

Opioids a poor choice, especially for children, doctors say
Most chronic pain fellowships are teaching ultrasound-guided procedures

Most Chronic Pain Fellowships Include Ultrasound Training

Most training is patient-based; about half of programs use ultrasound for axial nerve blocks
Duloxetine significantly improves osteoarthritis knee pain

Duloxetine Appears Beneficial for Osteoarthritis Knee Pain

Three trials also show improved function with acceptable adverse event rate
For patients undergoing intrauterine device placement

Ketorolac Doesn’t Reduce Pain With IUD Placement

But decrease in median pain scores at five and 15 minutes with ketorolac versus placebo