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Tag: Osteoporosis

Genetically Predicted Rheumatoid Arthritis Linked to Osteoporosis

Positive association was robust when MR Egger, weighted median, weighted mode were exploited

Air Pollution Exposure Tied to Bone Loss in Postmenopausal Women

Findings particularly strong between nitrogen oxides exposure and lumbar spine density

One in Four People With Diabetes Worldwide Have Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis more common among people with both diabetes and obesity

ACP Updates Living Guideline on Pharmacologic Treatment of Osteoporosis

Bisphosphonates strongly recommended for initial treatment of primary osteoporosis for postmenopausal women

Bidirectional Association for Ménière Disease, Osteoporosis

Adults with prior history of osteoporosis have increased risk of Ménière disease and those with prior Ménière disease have increased risk of osteoporosis

One in Four Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Has Osteoporosis

Review revealed prevalence declining in more recent years, but remains high

Effect of Jarlsberg Cheese on Bone Anabolic Markers Examined

Effects compared for daily intake of Jarlsberg cheese versus Camembert cheese indicate increased bone anabolism

Deep-Radiomics Models Can Diagnose Osteoporosis

Deep-radiomics models can use hip radiographs to diagnose osteoporosis

NSAIDs May Interfere With Efficacy of Bisphosphonates

No reduction in osteoporotic fracture risk seen among women receiving concomitant clodronate and NSAIDs

Hip Fracture Risk Up With Drug Holiday From Risedronate Versus Alendronate

After three or more years of therapy, drug holidays from risedronate versus alendronate linked to 18 percent increase in hip fracture risk