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Tag: Obesity

Many patients with obesity

Many Obese Patients Are Lacking Formal Diagnosis

Less than 50 percent of those with a BMI >30 kg/m² have ICD-9 documentation for obesity
Doctors should screen children age 6 years and older for obesity

USPSTF Reaffirms Obesity Screening Recs for Children 6+

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force fine-tunes 2010 recommendation
Governments and international organizations should focus on redressing the balance of ω-6 and ω-3 fatty acids in order to address obesity

Ratio of ω-6:ω-3 Fatty Acids Implicated in Obesity

Imbalance, which is typically 16:1 in a Western diet, leads to increased risk of weight gain, inflammation
Bariatric surgery not only helps severely obese teens lose weight

Bariatric Surgery May Be Cost-Effective in Severely Obese Teens

Long-term clinical trials in adolescents with at least five years of follow-up data needed
Liraglutide increases heart rate and reduces heart rate variability in overweight patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes and stable coronary artery disease

Liraglutide Increases Heart Rate in T2DM With Stable CAD

Reduction in heart rate variability despite weight loss and improvement in metabolic parameters
For overweight and obese women with type 2 diabetes

Switching Diet Drinks for Water Benefits Overweight Women

Greater decrease in weight, body mass index, fasting plasma glucose, fasting insulin, HOMA-IR
Adolescent body mass index predicts diabetes mellitus mortality in midlife

Adolescent BMI Predicts Diabetes Mellitus Mortality

Overweight and obesity correlated with hazard ratios of 8.0 and 17.2 for diabetes mortality
Obesity before a cancer diagnosis is associated with an increased risk for overall and individual secondary primary cancers in males

Obesity Ups Risk for Secondary Primary Cancers in Men

Higher risk of secondary primary cancer in obese male survivors versus general population
Having a large waistline

High BMI, Large Waist, T2DM Tied to Increased Odds of Liver Cancer

Study adds support to liver cancer as an obesity-associated cancer
For antipsychotic-treated obese patients with schizophrenia

Exenatide Does Not Promote Weight Loss in Schizophrenia

No significant difference in weight loss for obese patients treated with exenatide, placebo