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Tag: Obesity

Food-related policies differently impact consumers with obesity and healthy weight

Attitudes Among Obese Are Not Aligned With Healthy Living

Consumers with obesity report favoring taste and value rather than health and nutrition
For U.S. adult males and females

Adult Obesity Prevalence Varies With Level of Urbanization

Increased obesity for men, women living in medium, small versus large metropolitan statistical areas
The prevalence of obesity and severe obesity among U.S. youth was 17.8 and 5.8 percent

Prevalence of Obesity 17.8 Percent for Youth in 2013 to 2016

Prevalence of severe obesity significantly higher among U.S. youth in non-metropolitan statistical areas
The prevalence of obesity is higher among those living in non-metropolitan counties versus metropolitan counties

CDC: Obesity Prevalence Higher in Non-Metropolitan Counties

Largest absolute difference for non-metropolitan versus metropolitan counties in South, Northeast
Preoperative psychiatric diagnoses are not associated with weight loss outcomes in severely obese adolescents receiving bariatric surgery

Pre-Op Psychiatric Dx Not Tied to Bariatric Sx Outcomes in Teens

No association between presence, absence, number of diagnoses and post-surgery weight loss outcomes
Obesity is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease risk even among metabolically healthy women

CVD Risk Up Even in Metabolically Healthy Obese Women

Women with metabolically unhealthy normal-weight, overweight, obesity had considerably higher risk
Obesity is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease risk even among metabolically healthy women

CVD Risk Up Even in Metabolically Healthy Obese Women

Women with metabolically unhealthy normal-weight, overweight, obesity had considerably higher risk
Obesity is linked to an increased risk of smoking and an increase in the number of cigarettes smoked daily

Higher Adiposity Increases Odds of Smoking

Findings for both increased risk of being a smoker and higher number of cigarettes smoked daily
Metabolically healthy obesity is not a stable or reliable indicator of future cardiovascular disease risk

Metabolically Healthy Obesity Not Without Risk of CVD

Findings show MHO is transient, so not a reliable predictor of lower cardiovascular risk in the future
Severe obesity is associated with more rapid progression of disability in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Severe Obesity Tied to Faster Progression to Disability With RA

Severely obese rheumatoid arthritis patients also had worse disability at baseline than overweight patients