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The lifetime risk for death from firearms and drug overdoses varies by race and geography

Almost 1 in 100 May Die From Firearms, Overdose, or Motor Vehicle Accident

Variance in lifetime risk seen across demographic subpopulations and states
For patients with diabetes

High Coronary Artery Calcium + Diabetes Even Riskier for Women

In adults with diabetes, high CAC score predicts CVD, total mortality more strongly in women than in men
Rumors suggesting that COVID-19 deaths in the United States are much lower than reported are due to people misinterpreting standard death certificate language

CDC Refutes Social Media Rumors That COVID-19 Death Data Is Inaccurate

Conspiracy theories claim only a small percentage of people said to have died from COVID-19 actually died from the disease
The U.S. mortality burden associated with dementia may be underestimated by vital statistics

Dementia May Contribute to More Deaths Than Previously Thought

Association between dementia and mortality may be underestimated by nearly threefold
There has been a decline in deaths related to atrial fibrillation over the last 45 years

Deaths From Atrial Fibrillation Declined From 1972 to 2015

Two-year gap in life expectancy still exists, compared to individuals without atrial fibrillation
For patients with heart failure

In-Hospital Heart Failure Deaths Down With Routine Vaccinations

Patients with heart failure receiving flu, pneumonia vaccinations have lower in-hospital mortality
The proportion of deaths from heart disease attributed to heart failure and hypertensive heart disease is increasing

Proportion of Deaths Due to Heart Failure, HTN Increasing

But overall decrease in deaths from ischemic heart disease seen from 1999 to 2018
A widely cited model for COVID-19 deaths in the United States predicts a total of 317

Model Says COVID-19 Deaths Could Surpass 317,000 by December

Since January, there have been more than 5 million COVID-19 cases in the U.S. and more than 180,000 deaths
Weight loss from obesity to overweight between early adulthood through midlife is associated with a lower risk for early death compared with maintaining obesity

Losing Weight Before Midlife Cuts Mortality Risk

Risk lower for those who dropped from obese to overweight versus those who remained obese
There is considerable racial and ethnic disparity in alcoholic liver disease mortality

Alcoholic Liver Disease Death Rates Up for Non-Hispanic Whites

Death rates higher for men, but male-to-female ratio decreased in past two decades