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For Older Adults, Loneliness Ups Mortality After Nonelective Surgery

No increase seen in odds of death at 30 days in association with loneliness for older adults undergoing elective surgery

SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection Ups Risks for Death, Hospitalization

Risks were increased, regardless of vaccination status, and increased according to number of reinfections

U.S. Deaths From Infective Endocarditis Increasing in the Young

From 1999 to 2020, mortality rates increased from 0.3 to 0.6 per 100,000 persons among young U.S. residents

ASN: Empagliflozin Cuts Risk for Progression in CKD

Risk for progression of kidney disease or death from cardiovascular causes reduced with empagliflozin versus placebo

Overall Cancer Mortality 18 Percent Higher in AI/AN Versus Whites

Breast and prostate mortality rates 8 and 31 percent higher, despite lower incidence rates

Ultraprocessed Foods Tied to Premature Death

Portion of total diet attributed to ultraprocessed food is increasing

AHA: Environmental Exposures Tied to CVD Deaths in the U.S., U.K.

Risk-attributable cardiovascular death rate associated with lead exposure higher in the U.S. than the U.K.; opposite pattern seen between the countries for particulate matter exposure

Subset of Stage I Melanoma Patients ID’d With Very Low Mortality

Younger age at diagnosis, Clark level II linked to low risk for death among patients with stage I lesions, negative clinical nodes

Death Common During, Within One Month of Emergency Visit

Authors say emergency departments should be prepared to deliver end-of-life care

Vigorous Physical Activity Linked to Lower Mortality

And, increasing intensity for a given amount of physical activity is associated with reduction in cardiovascular disease