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Tag: Mobility / Balance Problems

Having a mobility plan can prevent the functional decline associated with lack of mobility among hospitalized patients

Mobility Plan Can Neutralize the Harms of Bedrest in the Hospital

Having mobility plan in the hospital can prevent functional decline associated with lack of mobility
A long-term physical activity program is not associated with reduced risk of frailty among community-dwelling older adults with functional limitations

Physical Activity Doesn’t Seem to Reduce Risk of Frailty in Elderly

Baseline frailty didn't modify effect of physical activity on reducing major mobility disability
Excessive sitting

Sedentary Time a ‘Potent Risk Factor’ for Mobility Loss

And increased TV time significantly associated with mobility disability at all levels of physical activity
Accelerometer-measured physical activity levels are strongly associated with major mobility disability (MMD) and persistent MMD events in older adults with limited mobility

Physical Activity Predicts Disability in Older Adults

Findings based on a study using accelerometer-measured physical activity
The "On the Move" group exercise program is more effective at improving mobility in the elderly

‘On the Move’ Group Exercise Program Aids Walking in Elderly

Greater mobility improvements seen, despite lower class attendance
Support groups that encourage walking exercises at home can improve the mobility of patients with peripheral artery disease

Support Groups for At-Home Walking Benefit PAD Patients

Patients with peripheral artery disease benefit from organized exercise program
Patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy have greater maximum and range of separations of their center of mass from their center of pressure

Balance Compromised in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Greater maximum and range of separations of center of mass from center of pressure in DPN
For older adults at high risk of mobility disability

MetS Prevalent Among Seniors at Risk of Mobility Disability

No consistent observations between metabolic syndrome and walking speed, self-reported disability