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An influenza vaccine cannot cause a pregnant woman to miscarry

Flu Vaccination During Pregnancy Does Not Cause Miscarriage

Study authors say not only is influenza vaccine during pregnancy safe, it is necessary
Maternal exposure to fluconazole during pregnancy may increase the risk for spontaneous abortion

Prenatal Fluconazole Exposure Increases Neonatal Risks

Any exposure increases spontaneous abortion risk; cardiac septal defects up for use in early pregnancy
Parental subfertility is associated with an increased asthma risk among offspring

Subfertility Linked to Increased Asthma Risk in Offspring

Asthma risk also increased with maternal history of miscarriages at 12 weeks or earlier
Both pregnancy losses and a history of at least five live births are associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease

Pregnancy Losses Linked to Risk for Cardiovascular Disease

Women with five or more live births at increased risk for coronary heart disease, hospitalized MI
Offering cell-free DNA screening followed by invasive testing in the case of positive results does not result in a significant reduction in miscarriage among women with pregnancies at high risk of trisomy 21

cfDNA Screening First for Trisomy 21 Doesn’t Cut Miscarriage Rate

Invasive testing if positive for trisomy 21 on cfDNA screen compared with immediate invasive testing
Preconception vitamin D levels may play a role in maintaining pregnancy

Sufficient Preconception Vitamin D Tied to Lower Miscarriage Risk

However, increased vitamin D levels in early pregnancy not correlated with reduced pregnancy loss
The quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine is not associated with an increased risk of spontaneous abortion when inadvertently given before or during pregnancy

Quadrivalent HPV Vaccine Not Tied to Spontaneous Abortion

No evidence of increased risk of spontaneous abortion when inadvertently given before or during pregnancy
Mifepristone pretreatment improves medical management of early pregnancy loss

Mifepristone Pre-Tx Improves Management of Early Miscarriage

Successful management likely for pretreatment with mifepristone followed by misoprostol
In healthy women

Preconception Blood Pressure Tied to Risk of Pregnancy Loss

Findings similar for early pregnancy blood pressure even among healthy women
Women have varying reproductive goals after spontaneous abortion but are generally receptive to contraceptive counseling

Reproductive Goals Vary After Spontaneous Abortion

Women vary in their feelings, reproductive goals after pregnancy diagnoses and miscarriages