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Tag: Miscarriage

Risk for Miscarriage Increased With Benzodiazepine Use in Pregnancy

Increased risk seen in association with benzodiazepines ranging from odds ratios of 1.39 to 2.52 for alprazolam and fludiazepam

2020 to 2021 Saw Nonsignificant Decline in Perinatal Mortality Rate

Late fetal mortality rate was essentially unchanged, while early neonatal mortality rate decreased 4 percent

2021 to 2022 Saw 5 Percent Decline in Overall Fetal Mortality Rate

Decreases seen in fetal mortality rate for White non-Hispanic and Hispanic women, but not in other race, Hispanic origin groups

Fetal Mortality Rate 5.73 Per 1,000 Live Births in 2021 in U.S.

Highest fetal mortality rates seen for those younger than 15 years and 40 years and older, those who smoked in pregnancy, those with multiple gestation pregnancies

Odds of Miscarriage Reduced in Association With Healthy Diet

Association with reduced risk seen for a whole diet containing healthy foods or with high Dietary Antioxidant Index score

Embryonic Development Delayed in Pregnancies Ending in Miscarriage

Odds of miscarriage were increased by 1.5 percent per delayed Carnegie stage

Risk for Pregnancy Loss Increased With Employment During Pregnancy

Highest risk for no live births was seen for those in the health and social work industry

2020 to 2021 Saw No Change in Overall Fetal Mortality Rates

5 percent decline seen in rate for non-Hispanic Black women but no change for non-Hispanic White, Hispanic women

Conceiving Within Three Months of Pregnancy Loss Safe

Risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes not increased for those conceiving within three months after miscarriage, induced abortion

CDC: Fetal Mortality in United States in 2020 Unchanged From 2019

Fetal mortality rate 5.74 fetal deaths at 20 weeks of gestation or more per 1,000 live births and fetal deaths in 2020