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Tag: Memory Problems

Using hearing aids may slow cognitive decline in later life

Hearing Aids May Mitigate Cognitive Decline, Memory Loss

Use of hearing aids tied to better episodic memory scores in longitudinal study
Women who have a later natural menopause maintain a small benefit in verbal memory compared with women with earlier menopause

Later Natural Menopause Can Benefit Future Verbal Memory

However, no benefit seen for processing speed through to age 69 years
Cognitive training improves memory in older patients with mild cognitive impairment

Cognitive Training Aids Memory in People With Mild Impairment

Learned strategies can help older adults in everyday life
Low memory scores are an early marker of amyloid positivity

Memory Scores Limited As Alzheimer’s Screening Tool

Scores are an early marker of amyloid positivity, but limited in value for those without dementia
Suitable cognitive screening tools can be used by pharmacists during home medication review

Cognitive Screening Tools Can Be Used in Home Medication Review

Anxiety and depression checklist, and 'worried about your memory' tools can be self-administered
Chronic pain is associated with increased odds of mental decline and dementia

Chronic Pain Tied to Increased Risk of Memory Loss

Findings in patients 60 and older with moderate or severe chronic pain
Short-term memory loss may be yet another price of America's opioid addiction epidemic

Unusual Amnestic Syndrome Seen With Opioid Abuse

Drug abuse may cause an unusual short-term memory syndrome
For adults with mild cognitive impairment

Resistance Training Beneficial in Mild Cognitive Impairment

Significant improvements in cognitive function, muscle strength, and aerobic capacity
Adaptive working memory training (WMT)

Adaptive Working Memory Training Beneficial in HIV

Improves working memory performance, cuts brain activation in HIV participants, seronegative controls
Older adults who volunteer have lower risk of developing cognitive impairment

Volunteering May Help Prevent Cognitive Impairment in Seniors

Findings among older adults who maintain consistent volunteer engagement