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Tag: Medical Technology: Misc.

Blue-Light Filtering Lenses Seem Not to Be Beneficial

Lenses do not seem to attenuate symptoms of eye strain with digital device use, offer no meaningful difference in changes to CFF

Use of Wearable Devices Low for Those With Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Authors say current adoption patterns run risk for exacerbating disparities

AI Offers Benefits for Initial Echocardiographic Assessment

AI provided superior assessment of cardiac function versus sonographers

AI Model Can Help Identify Ulcerative Colitis Remission, Activity

Model can also predict flare-ups, clinical outcomes

AI Algorithm Predicts Headache Surgical Outcomes From Pain Patterns

Algorithm was consistently more accurate than trained clinical evaluators for predicting outcomes based on pain drawings

Wearable Device-Detected Biomarkers Could ID Symptoms After Trauma

Changes in the number of transitions between sleep and wake over time linked to changes in pain, sleep, anxiety

AI Promising for Detecting Adenomas in Patients With Lynch Syndrome

Significant increase seen in detection of flat adenomas with Paris classification 0 to IIb in patients with Lynch syndrome

AI Models Have Higher Accuracy for Estimating Gestational Age

Image model, video model, ensemble model were all superior to standard fetal biometry-based gestational age estimates

Wearable Technology Device Can Optimize In Vivo Exposure for PTSD

Significant effects seen for treatment condition and time for participants who used Bio Ware during one or more IVEs

Artificial Intelligence-Aided Colonoscopy Does Not Increase Cancer Detection

AIAC group had lower adenoma and polyp detection rates; lower median number of adenomas, polyps detected per colonoscopy