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Tag: Medical Errors

For adults receiving opioid medication prescriptions

Errors in Opioid Prescribing for Adult Outpatients Common

Errors in 89 percent of handwritten prescriptions, 0 percent of EHR-computer generated prescriptions
The rate of serious medication errors has doubled since 2000

Rate of Non-Health Care Facility Medication Errors on the Rise

Poison control centers get one call every 21 seconds about a potentially serious mix-up
A patient involvement system can reduce errors in X-ray imaging

Patient Involvement Can Cut Errors in X-Ray Imaging

Rate reduction of about 91 percent in error rate in left-to-right errors after intervention
Most serious adverse events in nursing homes are caused by medication errors

Causes of Serious Adverse Events in Nursing Homes Identified

Most serious adverse events caused by medication errors, falls, delayed or inappropriate intervention
Lessons from social psychology can be used to improve behavioral changes in terms of error disclosure

Social Psychology May Help With Physician Error Disclosure

Deliberate practice, together with lessons from social psychology, can implement change in error disclosure
The risk of wrong-patient orders is higher in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) versus non-NICU pediatric units

More Wrong-Patient Orders in NICU Versus Non-NICU Ped Units

Reduction in frequency of errors with ID reentry intervention and combined ID, distinct naming
Use of an electronic medication administration record application can reduce the rate of medication errors in medication administration recording

Electronic Drug Administration Record App Cuts Errors

Decline in rate of medication errors in medication administration recording post-implementation
Patients treated by surgeons with a history of patient complaints regarding their personalities or attitude are at increased risk of surgical and medical complications

Patient Complaints of Surgeon Attitude Tied to Worse Outcomes

Patients treated by surgeons with most complaints had more complications in month after surgery
A quality improvement initiative can reduce the number of human milk administration errors in the neonatal intensive care unit

Quality Improvement Initiative Cuts Milk Administration Errors

Reduction in number of expired milk, preparation, wrong-milk-to-wrong-infant errors
A standardized sliding scale insulin (SSI) order sheet can reduce the incidence of SSI-related medication errors

Sliding Scale Insulin Order Sheet Cuts Medication Errors

Standardized SSI can cut incidence of SSI-related drug errors; doesn't reduce hyper-, hypoglycemia